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Warm water underfloor heating

A hydronic setup is connected to your central heating system, powered by a boiler or some form of renewable tech (eg a heat pump). It features an array of pipes, laid just below the surface of your floor. When the system is switched on, water (between 30°C-45°C) is circulated through the pipes to warm the floor above, thereby heating the whole room.

Most systems are divided into distinct zones, each of which is connected to a central manifold that monitors the level of warmth in each area. Individual thermostats can then be used to control the temperature in each of the zones but are not always necessary.

The piping for a warm-water system is often embedded into a layer of sand and cement screed, usually resulting in build-up of around 75mm. This system is well-suited to new builds. If you’re renovating and want to minimise floor height build-up as much as possible, slim, low-profile systems are available. Such solutions often comprise castellated panels that hold the warm water tubes in place. These would be laid above the existing floor, with a self-levelling compound poured on.

Although they are more expensive to install [than electric or radiators], they are cheaper to run in the long-term, making them more cost-efficient when it comes to heating large areas.’